There are so many events relating to climate, environment, energy and sustainability at the University of St Andrews that it can be hard to keep up! To help with this, STACEES will launch a concise and clear fortnightly ‘Sustainability Events Bulletin’ in January 2023.
To do this, we need your help! Thankfully, helping with this is very easy and as simple as ticking a box when submitting your event on the University’s central events calendar.
Submitting your event on the events calendar is easy and if you do this, we can help to highlight it through our newsletter. We are committed to making the bulletin useful rather than an annoyance.
If your University of St Andrews events are listed on the central events calendar, we will highlight the relevant upcoming ones by linking to them. For us to be able to do this, when choosing the ‘event type’ for your event listing, please select ‘climate change’.
Even if your event is not strictly about climate change but relates to any aspect of climate, environment, energy or sustainability, selecting ‘climate change’ as an event type will ensure that your event gets pulled through to the bulletin.
We look forward to highlighting your event!
Other ways we can help
Tag @STA_CEES when tweeting about your events (as well as activities and publications) and we can retweet.
We encourage you to share any relevant news and questions on the STACEES Teams channel, including news about events.